Eco-Friendly Tour Operators:
AdventureSmith Explorations: Expedition cruises
Backroads: Biking, hiking and adventure trips around the world
Country Walkers: Walking tours around the world
Dragoman Overland: Overland tours
Earthwatch Institute: Research expeditions worldwide
Elevate Destinations: Travel combined with local philanthropy
Escape Adventures: Biking and multi-sport tours in the North American West
G.A.P. Adventures: Small group adventure tours
International Expeditions: Nature tours to South America, Africa and more
Intrepid Travel: Off-the-beaten-path tours emphasizing responsible travel
Kumuka Worldwide: Environmentally responsible tours around the world
O.A.R.S.: Outdoor adventure tours
Oz Bus: Flight-free travel from London to Sydney
REI Adventures: Carbon-neutral adventure tours
Responsibletravel.com: Eco-friendly tours worldwide
Seacology: Volunteer trips to various conservation project sites
Sierra Club Outings: Outdoor adventure trips
Trusted Adventures: Worldwide adventure vacations
Undiscovered Country Tours: California bike tours
World Wildlife Fund: Adventure and eco-tours around the world
Now there's no excuse not to travel green! :)
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