Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. Finning is the inhumane practice of hacking off the shark's fins and throwing its still living body back into the sea. The sharks either starve to death, are eaten alive by other fish, or drown (if they are not in constant movement their gills cannot extract oxygen from the water). Shark fins are being "harvested" in ever greater numbers to feed the growing demand for shark fin soup, an Asian "delicacy".
Not only is this practice very cruel, but losing these top predators has devastating impacts on underwater ecosystems and local economies. Conservation hinges on effective shark finning bans, strict international fisheries management, reduction of consumer demand, increased shark research and protection of vital habitat.
So what can we as concerned global citizens do to prevent this slaughtering of sharks??

The most efficient way to stop the restaurants selling shark fin soup is to just SAY NO!!!
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